


As reuniões internas da IURD, a saber, reuniões de Bispos e Pastores, são assuntos internos e que não devem ser divulgados. Os assuntos espirituais são e devem ser promovidos; assuntos administrativos, porém, como casos pessoais, decisões internas, mudanças de pastores, etc. mencionados em tais reuniões são de competência apenas das pessoas envolvidas e, portanto, não devem ser comentadas ou divulgadas a terceiros, inclusive pastores, esposas, ou familiares. Qualquer pessoa que divulgar informações internas indevidamente estará passível de disciplina.

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Please Be Advised

The internal meetings of UCKG, namely, bishops and pastors meetings, are internal affairs and should not be disclosed. Spiritual matters are and should be promoted, although administrative and personal affairs, internal decisions, changes of pastors, etc., stated in such meetings should be kept within the sole knowledge of the people involved and therefore should not be commented or disclosed to third parties, including other pastors, wives or relatives. Any person who discloses inside information improperly will be subject to discipline.

This message (and all its attachments) is confidential. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately and delete the message from your system by refraining to disclose, copy, distribute, examine, or, in any way, use the information contained in this message, it is illegal and strictly prohibited. We are not held responsible for any lack of confidentiality in the use of this e-mail. Any opinions expressed herein (including attachments) are the responsibility of the author and do not reflect the views or policies of the UCKG HelpCentre. We are not held responsible for any commitments or statements made by our employees outside the scope of their duties, powers of attorney expressly conferred and/or our business, nor do we guarantee the realization of such information.

We exert every effort and take every precaution to ensure that any attachment to this e-mail is virus free, but are not liable for any damages caused as a result of a virus that this message may contain and advise you to check the contents of attachments, using your own anti-virus software, prior to its opening. E-mails are subject to change. To that extent, the UCKG or any entity associated with the prior will not be liable if the message is altered or falsified.

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